Comark is working and installing since many
years the wrong -way detection system both in Italy and around the world. We do
not only care about the wrong way itself but also about who drives on the right
way. Why choosing us?

Here are the 7 top reasons:

The sensor prevents, detecting immediately the vehicle from
entering the ring road or motorway on the wrong way.

2. DETECTION – Detect
the wrong way vehicle and activates LED displays by blinking and flashing to
stop the driver.

3. DOUBLE SYSTEM – If the driver is careless, a
second sensor sends an alert to the traffic management center.

– the system also notifies
right-way drivers of the upcoming danger
by sending a message to the traffic management
center and you will find immediately the alert message in the LED displays. The
police are also promptly informed about the danger.

5. TRAVEL DIRECTIONsensor is able to detect the vehicle’s travel

6. EASY TO INSTALL – the sensor is installed on the roadside.

7. NO MAINTENANCE – No need of maintenance.

Wrong way detection system can really save lives.

The causes of wrong-way driving differ between age groups: Young and middle-aged drivers cause accidents due to inattention, while senior age drivers may cause accidents due to dementia or because they do not understand how to use the highway facilities.

The contributing factors for wrong way driving accidents in motorways can be divided into 5 categories:

1)     Traffic violation such as avoiding traffic congestion.

2)     Inattention as falling asleep at the wheel.

3)     Illness

4)     Insufficient knowledge – unfamiliar with the structure.

5)     Infrastructure deficiency – insufficient lighting.

Counterflow driving causes accidents and in the worst-case scenario death. Therefore, it is essential to detect it on time and prevent it by using modern systems as sensors combined with lighting signage activating blanking and flashing. The sensors MD01 of COMARK has been studied and developed to prevent wrong way drivers and to help the ones traveling on the right direction.

If you want to know more about all the benefits of our wrong way detection system – please contact us:
marketing@comark.ud or call us at +39 0432 882105.